The handle/sub-handle gets burned and are issued a new token ID when another user mints an expired handle/sub-handle using the mintHandle or mintSubhandle function. It's crucial for owners to renew before the expiration date to prevent reclamation through the mint function.
When a parent handle gets reclaimed by another user, the previous parent handle owner loses any upcoming revenue share from sub-handle owners, which is then transferred to the new owner of the handle.
Burn Handle:
* Function to burn an expired handle.
* @param tokenId The token ID associated with the handle.
function burnHandle(uint256 tokenId) internal {
// Get the handle name with suffix and the corresponding handle.
string memory handleWithSuffix = handleNames[tokenId];
Handle storage handle = handles[handleWithSuffix];
// Check if the handle is registered.
require(handle.tokenId != 0, "Handle not registered");
// Check if the handle is expired.
require(handle.expirationTimestamp <= block.timestamp, "Handle is not expired");
address owner = ownerOf(tokenId); // Get the owner of the token.
// Mark the token as burned
burnedTokenIds[tokenId] = true;
// Burn the token
emit HandleBurned(owner, handleWithSuffix, tokenId);
Burn Sub-Handle:
* Function to burn an expired subhandle.
* @param subhandleAndParent The combined name of the subhandle and its parent handle.
function burnSubhandle(string memory subhandleAndParent) internal {
// Split the combined handle name into subhandle name and parent handle name.
(string memory subhandleName, string memory parentHandleName) = StringUtil.splitCombinedHandleName(subhandleAndParent);
// Construct the parent handle name with suffix.
string memory parentHandleWithSuffix = string(abi.encodePacked(parentHandleName, ".", string(HANDLE_SUFFIX)));
// Get the subhandle from the parent handle's subhandles mapping.
Subhandle storage subhandle = handles[parentHandleWithSuffix].subhandles[subhandleName];
// Check if the subhandle is registered.
require(subhandle.tokenId != 0, "Subhandle not registered");
// Check if the subhandle is expired.
require(subhandle.expirationTimestamp <= block.timestamp, "Subhandle is not expired");
// Mark the token as burned
burnedTokenIds[subhandle.tokenId] = true;
// Burn the token
// Construct the subhandle name with suffix.
string memory subhandleWithSuffix = string(abi.encodePacked(subhandleName, ".", parentHandleWithSuffix));
emit SubhandleBurned(msg.sender, subhandleWithSuffix, subhandle.tokenId);