6.2 Register Handle/Sub Handle


Handles are the top-level identifiers, typically representing entire brands, communities, surnames, or other broad concepts. Owners of these handles have the flexibility to create Sub-Handles at no extra cost. Alternatively, they can activate the Sub-Handle permission toggle, allowing other users to create Sub-Handles under the Parent Handle. In this case, all fees generated from Sub-Handle creation benefit the Parent Handle owner.

Sub-Handles, on the other hand, operate within the Parent Handle's framework and are specifically tailored to be part of subscriptions, promote a sense of community, represent family units, and offer a multitude of other possibilities.

When registering, please use lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (no consecutive, and they should not be at the beginning or end of the input). Double hyphens are permitted only in punycode (xn--) and a single dot is only permitted when registering a subhandle.

You can use as few as 1 character or as many as 18 characters when registering your Handle or Sub-Handle. We carefully considered this decision to provide flexibility for individuals with longer names. Our research and thoughtful analysis led us to the conclusion that 18 characters is the maximum length, as anything longer might compromise readability. If you need a longer identifier, you can opt to register a Sub-Handle alongside your Parent Handle, offering a combined total of 36 characters, excluding the dot that separates the Sub-Handle and Parent Handle.

Register Handle

  1. Navigate to "Register Handle" on the menu bar. Connect Wallet" at the top right.

  2. Enter the Handle you wish to register in the input section.

  3. Check whether the handle is available or unavailable.

  4. Ensure you have the required amount for the mint plus gas fees (the registration fee is based on the character length of your handle). You can view the logic fees from Fee Structure.

  5. click "Mint" to register your handle and confirm the transaction from your wallet. If the transaction is successful, congratulations! If not, the Handle may already be taken. Note: Sometimes Meta Mask will indicate a failed transaction, but this isn't always the case. Check the transaction on the explorer page and wait for the results to fully load.

Register Sub-Handle

  1. Navigate to "Sub-Handle" on the sub-menu bar from Register Handle. Connect Wallet" at the top right.

  2. Enter the parent handle you wish to mint in the second input section. If it's not available, it could mean that the parent handle does not exist or the owner of the parent handle did not allow minting to be available to public users. Note: parent handle must be valid to mint a new sub-handle. If the parent handle is expired, it is open to be reclaimed by anyone by minting it as a new Handle. Once minted, the previous handle gets burned, and the new handle will be assigned a new token ID and will receive all the sub-handles revenue thereafter.

  3. If it's available for minting, enter the sub-handle you wish to mint in the first input section. Note: If you are the owner of the parent handle, visit the Manage Handle section of your parent handle and mint from there. the maximum number of years per transaction is 1.

  4. Check whether the sub-handle is available or unavailable.

  5. Select the number of years you wish to register the sub-handle for.

  6. Ensure you have the required amount for the mint plus gas fees (the registration fee is based on the character length of your sub-handle). You can view the logic fees from Fee Structure. Note: If you are the owner of the parent handle, there are no fees.

  7. Click "Mint" to register the sub-handle and confirm the transaction from your wallet. If the transaction is successful, congratulations! If not, the sub-handle may already be taken. Note: Sometimes Meta Mask will indicate a failed transaction, but this isn't always the case. Check the transaction on the explorer page and wait for the results to fully load.

Last updated