2.4 Events and Logging

The contract emits events to log registration, renewal, ownership transfers, and other important actions.


owner: 0x907E83Be9fF09153eefAefeF3A3D7FF0309a9076 (the owner who minted the handle) handle name: nakamoto.₿ expiration timestamp: 0x681c116b / 1746669931 = Wednesday, May 7, 2025 10:05:31 PM GMT-04:00 DST token id: 0x01 / 1


owner: 0x907E83Be9fF09153eefAefeF3A3D7FF0309a9076 (the owner who minted the Sub-Handle) subhandle name: satoshi.nakamoto.₿ parent handle name: nakamoto.₿ parent owner: 0x907E83Be9fF09153eefAefeF3A3D7FF0309a9076 ( the owner of the Parant Handle) expiration timestamp: 0x681c14b5 / 1746670773 = Wednesday, May 7, 2025 10:19:33 PM GMT-04:00 DST token id: 0x02 / 2


owner: 0x907E83Be9fF09153eefAefeF3A3D7FF0309a9076 (the owner of the handle) parent handle name: nakamoto.₿ permission enabled: true ( true = enabled / false = disabled) token id: 0x01 / 1

HandleBurned & Handle Registered

Token 1 gets burned and a new Handle gets minted under the expired handle (nakamoto.₿) and issued a new token id (3) .


renewed by: user who renewed the handle owner: owner of the handle handle name: nakamoto.₿ new expiration timestamp: 0x69fd4f96 / 1778208662 = Thursday, May 7, 2026 10:51:02 PM GMT-04:00 DST token id: 0x03 / 3


renewedby: user who renewed the Sub-Handle owner: owner of the Sub-Handle subhandle name: satoshi.nakamoto.₿ parent handle name: nakamoto.₿ parent owner: address of parent owenr new expiration timestamp: 0x69fd4835/ 1778206773 = Thursday, May 7, 2026 10:19:33 PM GMT-04:00 DST token id: 0x02 / 2


previousowner: 0x907e83be9ff09153eefaefef3a3d7ff0309a9076 handle or subhandle name: satoshi.nakamoto.₿ (Sub-Handle) new owner: 0xc8f64dba233d5b9ea5d863bbf527d5b2d5cb1e68 token id: 0x02 / 2

Last updated